Who We Are

Preschool (Bilingual Preschool)
At Peppermint Academy we focus on the whole child... socially, cognitively, emotionally, and physically. We believe that each child is born with POTENTIAL. We know that Preschool years are the most crucial time in a child's development. During this time children, based on their environment and experiences, Will learn trust, self expression and self worth. We therefore, as an extension of the family, provide them with a warm, caring, safe and secure environment in which they can explore and discover those things around them and within themselves.
Bilingual Program
Our Program offers a semi-immersion experience of English and Spanish. Projects and circle time are conducted in both languages. This consistent language model approach offers the advantages of bilingualism to all children in the school AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.

Our Programs
Our Program is designed to focus on active exploration and interaction with adults, Other children and materials. Since children learn from environments they participate in, our classrooms are carefully arranged into the following learning centers: